Saturday, 30 August 2008


Blogging can be quite reasonably defined by the art of keeping a diary, only for the public to read. People who keep blogs therefore, must be quite guiltless, healthy types. But I daresay there is as much kept out of blogs as there is kept in.

This is mainly for my musical endeavours, and for anyone to read about what I get up to. I will try to be funny and let the naturally musical side of things come through, but it will probably end up the other way around. Then again, a 'musical blog' would not be such a bad project would it?

Here are some links: - My homepage really, til I set up a proper one. - New tunes will be posted here, and they will be announced here, due to reverbnations' far more generous space (and probably due to the fact that they don't yet have a gazillion users jostling for server capacity.) - My mad, 'lets-try-everything-within-the-space-of-a-song' band - I must admit most of the guilt for the wild approach, though I was ably assisted by some willing accomplices. You know who you are!

My album, 'Extremely Cheap Music', is available to buy, for £2.50. If you are charming enough, I might be able to get you a discount, that is, give you a copy minus the not-so-good songs (:P).
But I fear you I may as well give you a blank CD for all that.

New Tune Widget
